After many years of doing this job, i can affirm that the most important period of the season is when coaches are planning the upcoming season. A successful preseason can make all the difference between a silverware-winning on-season, or a disappointing series of games that could even lead to relegation. During this period our minds are full of thoughts and questions:

how to develop a good pre-season programme to be ready & avoid injuries

how to calculate the load of trainings 

how many friendly matches to play

how to develop the game model

which is the best tactic for the rooster i have

and the strategy? winning corners & kicks in?

these are just some of the questions that are usually crossing the mind of coaches.

The key factor is to create in advance a very detailed planAt the very start of preseason, before you’ve even stepped out onto the training pitch, it’s vital that coach and coaching staff sit down to discuss two key questions: 

  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • How will you achieve it?
These may seem like basic questions, but without the clarity of purpose that comes from answering them and establishing key principles, it is impossible to create a truly effective preseason training program. By starting with a broad overall aim (e.g.winning the league or achieve promotion or arrive in play off zonne) and an agreed playing style or game model, you can begin to quantify the likely physical demands that will be required of the key players, which kind of players you will need to improve to have a larger rooster, and from there start to develop the work to achieve the goals.

During the years i have learn to answer to this questions, followng a method and clarifying very quikly all the doubts and most of time with very positive results.

If you need help in planning your season, contact me and we will establish a plan to develop your method and put the basis for a successfull season.



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